Sunday 23 June 2013

Ladies weight loss challenge week 2

Week 2 Recipe
Carob, banana, avocado pudding

Smooth and silky avocado blended with carob powder, a few bananas, dates and a drizzle of agave syrup. This recipe is not completely raw because I used roasted carob powder. But it was still very decadent and delicious. Reminds me of chocolate banana cream pie!

Carob Banana Avocado Pudding

8 dates, pitted (optional)
1 large avocado, pitted
2 large ripe bananas
3 heaping tsp (or more) of carob powder (or coco powder)
drizzle or two of agave syrup (or maple syrup or honey)

drizzle of vanilla

Combine all in a blender and blend until smooth.

Week 2

Welcome ladies to week 2 of your challenge,

If you are following from home and have yet to do this, measure your waist, just like the woman in the picture above, along with the largest part of your hips and breasts. Yes we can lose there too! With all that walking, you'll soon notice the inches drop.

There is just one simple tip to follow this week...

Remove all glutenous and refined grains from your diet (at least for now).
-These include any items containing wheat, rye, barley, spelt and so on.
-Why might we want to do this? A couple reasons;
  1. Firstly, many people today don't fair well with gluten whether they realize it or not. If you are one of those individuals, your body will store the carbs and create inflammation.
  2. Do you remember when you were young and made something with papier mache? The glue we all used was made from flour and water. -Gluten! It is sticky & sticks to your insides. Not the easiest for us to digest.
  3. Most glutenous foods consumed today are processed anyway. Processed means it is void of fiber and nutrients. Fibre keeps us full longer and keeps the blood sugar stable, two very important components for weight loss.
As the recipe suggested last week, quinoa is a great whole food, high fibre, protein rich, nutrient dense option. Others include millet, buckwheat and sorghum (great for baking!).

And remember you are looking to add these steps to your regimen while keeping with the steps from last week as well.

Lets remember to think nutrition as opposed to diet!

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