
Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a modality that utilizes intution to access the healing potential within.
The Theta brain wave has been scientifically proven to be the brain wave most capable or condusive of healing.
Access to the Theta brain wave is trought a specific type of meditation. This meditation allows for communication with the Creator of all that is, the Universe or God if you will.
Theta Healing is instant healing.

Heart Resonance Therapy

Trevor Gollagher developed Heart Resonance over a 15 year period drawing from his 30 years experience with healing and channelled information from above.
HR is a powerful yet easy to learn healing modality that shifts disharmony in the body to a state of health and well-being. It is a cutting edge tool for spiritual transformation putting you at the forefront of the awakening and the spiritual ascension of mankind.

An HR practitioner is able to resonate a powerful “Divine Love Centred” energy field and in so doing, transforms dis-ease through the process of entrainment. The HR practitioner can travel to any level of a person’s existence to instigate powerful and positive shifts, clearing emotional stagnation and residues that burden the body.