Tuesday 23 July 2013

Ladies Weight Loss Challenge Week 5

Quinoa Tabouleh
*Gluten free version of a traditional Lebanese dish*
-by Renee Pelletier & Carine Lammam

This salad captures the flavours of Carine's grandmother's dish. Not only is it a refreshing tasty delight, it is filled with health benefits. Lemon, high in vitamin C, a naturally cleansing and an alkalizing fruit, works closely with the liver as a detoxifier and cleanses the digestive tract. Parsley, also high in vitamin C along with Vitamin A, and Vitamin K, is abundant in chlorophyll, thus purifying and inhibiting the spread of bacteria, fungi and other organisms. Chlorophyll from parsley is slightly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which acts to enhance immune response and to relieve mucus congestion, sinusitis and other 'damp' conditions. Chlorophyll, high in oxygen, also suppresses viruses and helps the lungs to discharge residues from environmental pollution. Cilantro is an amazing detoxifyer of heavy metals. Swiss chard is an excellent source of B vitamins, trace minerals and omega 3s. This salad is filled with antioxidant and super foods which makes it a valuable recipe for any occasion!

1 bunch of finely chopped curly parsley
1 bunch of finely chopped cilantro
4 finely chopped green onions
¼ cup finely chopped fresh mint leaves
1/2 a bunch of swiss chard finely chopped
1 diced tomato
1 cup of rinsed and strained quinoa
4 freshly squeezed lemons
2 tablespoons of extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil
Salt to taste

I like to soak my quinoa overnight then since it when I am ready. Place it in a pot with water reaching almost halfway to the top & simmer, lid off, untill water has evaporated, stirring constantly.
The other method is to cook it like rice. -Place 2 cups of water and 1 cup of uncooked Quinoa in a pot. Bring to a boil, then cover over low heat until all water has been absorbed. (Usually takes 20 minutes from start to finish).
Once done, remove from heat and allow to cool completely.

Mix lemon juice with olive oil and stir well.

Place all other ingredients in a medium sized salad bowl with dressing and toss.
Add salt to taste.

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